Ghost of Veles

cyberdeck the ascent wiki guide

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Ghost of Veles is a Cyberdeck tool in The Ascent. Cyberdeck is a tool that provides the player with the ability to hack. In The Ascent, there are many features that you can hack such as doors, chests, ATMs, vending machines, turrets, and many more. By default, you start off with a basic cyberdeck, but as you progress and explore, you can obtain various cyberdeck upgrades that boost the hacking capabilities of the interface.


When you know you're not wanted but your runner skills suggest otherwise. The Ghose of Veles gets you in if you've got the skill to navigate the bitslag. Every crime syndicate battles it out to get their hands on the ghosts.


Ghost of Veles Information

Listed below indicates the ICE tier level and different features that this tool can hack. Ghost of Veles Cyberdeck hacking capabilities:

  • Analyze: YES
  • Doors: ICE 3
  • Chests: ICE 3
  • ATM: YES
  • Turrets: YES


Where to Find Ghost of Veles

  • Located at Arcology: The Warrens
  • Head past Cluster 13 and the rooftops section in No Man's Land. Head to the top center of the area and search for a blue door that has a health pack vending machine that's at the left side. Check the right of the door to find the chest containing the upgrade.


Ghost of Veles Notes, Tips, & Trivia

Hacking Environment

  • Hack everything within cyberdeck reach by holding C. Many objects in the world require a cyberdeck capable of hacking that particular type. What your cyberdeck can hack can be read in the Journal's Character screen and most things hackable in the world are indicated by the color Yellow.
  • Doors and Chests can even be protected by more and more complicated ICE and as such, require even more powerful cyberdecks. Upgrade your deck and increase its capabilities by finding Cyberdeck Upgrades in the world.


  • ICE (Intrusion Countermeasure Electronics) is security software put in place to prevent hostile hacking attempts. It comes in many forms and different complexity. When attempting to override lacks in the world, it might require a cyberdeck capable of breaking said ICE.
  • If an enemy hacker sets out to hack you: bring up your cyberdeck quickly to deploy Black ICE to counter and send them a happy surprise.



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    • Anonymous

      My comment reply doesn't seem to be posting so I'll repost what I wrote here.

      Essentially there is no set location for each named cybderdeck aka "The Arcade" "The Ghost Of Veles" each cybderdeck upgrade is simply a +1 on a linear scale.

      For example The +1 in the glut and +1 in the Pinnacle gardens will upgrade "The Arcade" to the next cyberdeck on the list "The Ghost Of Veles" so realistically this page is "wrong" as the location isn't for "The Ghost Of Veles" but rather the location of a +1 Cybderdeck upgrade like any other.
      It's possible to acquire the ghost of veles very early in the game if you pick up all cyberdeck upgrades through exploration and orange chests, but the easy ones to get are in the Glut as listed in the other comment, and in the pinnacle.

      • Anonymous

        This is located in Arcology High street, you go to The Glut and it's part of a pair of orange chest icons on the map in the large building with the dragon fly logo on the floor, if you zoom in on the map where it says "The Glut" you should see the dragon fly logos, you enter through the buildings West side on the southmost door, and take a path in and to the left, there the ghost of veles is sitting on a desk, very easy to miss.
        I hope this helps someone because the wiki will have you looking on a completely different floor.

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